Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thanks to four heros, I've raised $400 in cash and pledges!

Four lovely folk have risen to the challenge to contribute $100 each to WombWork productions this month.

This is not counting those who contributed last month -- and I appreciate you very much.  I just need 6 more valient ones to make it to my $1000 pledge toward our $30,000 goal.  Won't you help?  Every dollar you give will help one of us get to our goal.  It's a difficult time to raise money, but maybe you've not yet spent your tax refund -- boy, I wish I was getting a refund!!

Maybe you have one dollar or five you can spare -- or maybe it will be a sacrifice.  Whatever you can give, we will appreciate it so much.

So please dig deep and see what you can do to help WombWork accomplish this much needed wellspring of resources that will provide a firm foundation for our efforts over the coming months.

And thank you to everyone who is giving cash, hope, prayers, energy, passing along the requests and doing anything on behalf of WombWork.  All efforts are much appreciated.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's 30/30 Time! $30,000 in 30 Days

We made a great effort last week raising over $2000 and we, dear readers, accounted for over 25% of it through the Chipin link.  Now the real challenge begins.  Please read this letter from the WombWork Board of Directors and remember that donations made from our Chipin page or the widgit at the right also go directly to WombWork via paypal at, just like donations from the site.  And all donations are tax deductable, as WombWork is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (recurring donations can also be made via Network for Good):

Dear Friend,

This letter is sent on behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, parent advisors and youth members of WombWork Productions, Inc.  We are requesting support for the continuance of our summer program, which provides employment and professional performing arts training for young adults and students enrolled in Baltimore City middle and high schools.  The continuance of the summer program will sustain our status as a designated Office of Economic  Development (OED) Youthworks site and will serve to further engage youth in a creative process of confronting critical issues affecting their lives, families, and communities by transforming real life experiences into powerful productions.

We have an ambitious fundraising goal of raising $30,000 in 30 days (from April 1-April 30), which will be used for program staff salaries and fees, youth stipends, along with operational and program costs.  The summer program offers a continuum of services to students who participate in our in-school and after-school programs throughout the school year.  The primary goal of the summer program is to develop professional youth performers and peer leaders who are adept at creating issues-based productions of relevance to young audiences. Our programming helps young people transform fears, anger, confusion, ignorance, and self-discrimination into positive performances that enhance their lives while building character and leadership skills.  Participants receive professional training from seasoned musicians, dancers, actors, and stage/film technicians while gaining hands-on experience in every area of performing arts production and touring.  As we have seen over the years, participants' love of performing as well as being paid for performances are key factors in retaining young people in our programs.

The existing program was conceived as an Artistic Development Initiative with the goal of increasing young people's ability to gain steady work and earn decent income by providing opportunities for them to gain marketable skills, diverse profession experiences, and access to industry sources.  Since 1997, WombWork Productions has employed more than 500 youth in over 350 productions and placed approximately 50 young actors in major films and television programs.  WombWork has served over 4,000 students and has reached an audience of approximately 50,000 people through live performances, productions, and television broadcasts.

The continuance of our summer program will foster citywide efforts to employ, serve, and support young people in becoming productive members of society. Send your contribution via the donation link on our homepage at If you require additional information about WombWork, contact Kay Lawal-Muhammad or Rashida Forman-Bey by phone at (410) 338-0265 or by email at We thank you in advance for your financial contribution to this great legacy.  

Dr. Geraldine Waters
Dr. Geraldine Waters
President, Board of Directors

Saturday, March 26, 2011

We're at 8% - Can we get to 20% by Sunday?

I know all WombWork supporters are doing their own thing -- so maybe we have already reached or surpassed our one-week goal. But we can't see that in the online fundraising.  What a gift it would be to give WombWork double the money -- money that could go to outfit the new rehearsal hall, Virtues Project training center and theater space.  What we envision, we can accomplish!  Let's try to move to 20% of the goal ($1000) by midnight tomorrow, Sunday.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

$5000 in one week!!

WombWork Productions supporters are committing to a series of concentrated fundraisers to build the 501(c)3 non-profit organization's general funds profile.  From now until next Friday April 1, we aim to raise $5000 to complete repairs and basic renovations of WombWork's rehearsal hall housed at the Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin.  The hall was damaged when the antiquated heating system sprung a leak and had to be repaired.  After the swift and generous repair of the basic damage, WombWork has taken on the task of transforming the space into a black box theater.  Some of the basic painting has been completed and the space is already looking quite transformed.

How can you help?  Support WombWork Productions and their programs with a donation today! Artists, governing and advisory board members agreed to be personally responsible for this first wave of fundraising.  Another exciting challenge will follow during

You can donate by using the chipin link here, going to our chipin page or donating directly using the donate button at using the yellow "donate now" button.  Want to donate by check?  Mail your payment to 3724 Kimble Road, Baltimore, MD 21218.

We'll post the results here next weekend!
