Thursday, March 24, 2011

$5000 in one week!!

WombWork Productions supporters are committing to a series of concentrated fundraisers to build the 501(c)3 non-profit organization's general funds profile.  From now until next Friday April 1, we aim to raise $5000 to complete repairs and basic renovations of WombWork's rehearsal hall housed at the Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin.  The hall was damaged when the antiquated heating system sprung a leak and had to be repaired.  After the swift and generous repair of the basic damage, WombWork has taken on the task of transforming the space into a black box theater.  Some of the basic painting has been completed and the space is already looking quite transformed.

How can you help?  Support WombWork Productions and their programs with a donation today! Artists, governing and advisory board members agreed to be personally responsible for this first wave of fundraising.  Another exciting challenge will follow during

You can donate by using the chipin link here, going to our chipin page or donating directly using the donate button at using the yellow "donate now" button.  Want to donate by check?  Mail your payment to 3724 Kimble Road, Baltimore, MD 21218.

We'll post the results here next weekend!


1 comment:

  1. If you would like to credit your donation to a particular WombWork artist, governing or advisory board member, please add their name as a comment when donating using ChipIn or the donate now button at the website.
