Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thanks to four heros, I've raised $400 in cash and pledges!

Four lovely folk have risen to the challenge to contribute $100 each to WombWork productions this month.

This is not counting those who contributed last month -- and I appreciate you very much.  I just need 6 more valient ones to make it to my $1000 pledge toward our $30,000 goal.  Won't you help?  Every dollar you give will help one of us get to our goal.  It's a difficult time to raise money, but maybe you've not yet spent your tax refund -- boy, I wish I was getting a refund!!

Maybe you have one dollar or five you can spare -- or maybe it will be a sacrifice.  Whatever you can give, we will appreciate it so much.

So please dig deep and see what you can do to help WombWork accomplish this much needed wellspring of resources that will provide a firm foundation for our efforts over the coming months.

And thank you to everyone who is giving cash, hope, prayers, energy, passing along the requests and doing anything on behalf of WombWork.  All efforts are much appreciated.

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