Monday, August 30, 2010

Support WombWork - Goal: $10,000

Please donate now using the ChipIn Donation widget on this page to support the expansion and operation of WombWork Productions: Nu World, Nu Generation and Next Generation Art Ensembles.

For the past thirteen years though the excellence and commitment of our own local young people and the dedicated leadership of the three founding Mamas, WombWork Productions Incorporated (a 501(c)3) nonprofit organization) has inspired hope and understanding by highlighting and preserving the cultural legacy of our community and awakening the potential within young people throughout the mid-Atlantic region.  

Through the visionary guidance of the directors, Mama Rashida Forman-Bey and Mama Kay Lawal-Muhammad, and with the sustaining support and blessing of co-founder, Mama Nata’aska Hasan Humminbird, WombWork is expanding the foundation of successful work with young people and their families and with populations normally relegated to the edges of society, such as our human family who are currently incarcerated. Recently, Mama Rashida and Mama Kay and two WombWork Advisory Board members became Virtues ProjectTM Faciliators and many of the members and supporters of Nu Generation Art Ensemble completed a two day training along with other Baltimore Community Members.  WombWork is infusing the language of virtues and the Five Strategies of the Virtues Project throughout the entire organization.  The result?  Deeper levels of understanding are flowing through every activity.
They are integrating the language of virtues into rites of passage programming in schools and in communities--a perfect fit with the Nguso Nane from Umoja/Unity through Imani/Faith.  They are bringing a more potent and direct route to peace, healing and empowerment to the prisons.  They are promoting unity by intentionally expanding the longstanding welcome of all people to create programs with young people who reflect the diversity of the human family.  And they have done this by taking bold, courageous steps towards program innovation, making hard decisions and living with the fiscal implications of forging forward through the storm of uncertain financial times with bold courage.  They have made a commitment to transform themselves and WombWork so that the collective work will be worthy of transforming Baltimore and the world beyond.  
In these historically difficult financial times, I and my fellow board members are making our own bold statement to ask individuals with whom we have connections, who may or may not have been touched by WombWork in the past, to make your own commitment to transformation by supporting the operation of WombWork Productions so that the directors can continue to grow the work begun so long ago and to nourish the seeds of work that have just begun with a strong infrastructure. Donations made through this chip in site will be used to both create and operate programs, giving us the flexibility to honor the spirit of commitment and sacrifice shown throughout a hard summer with little program income and no administrative support.
Please make your donation, however large or small, to WombWork using the ChipIn gadget provided (ChipIn uses Paypal for secure payments and accepts accepts all credit cards or you can send cash through your Paypal account). Or if you prefer to avoid on-line donation, please send your check payable to WombWork Productions Inc. to:

WombWork Productions
3724 Kimble Road
Baltimore, MD 21218